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web development course in Haldwani

Web Development Course Details

The Web Development Course in Haldwani can help you to make your career in the field of website designing, database management, and front end development using react where students, professionals, website developer, designers use the latest tools and techniques that help organizations to build diferent types of websites.

This course offers various modules such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript,JQuery,Ajax,React, Dynamic website development using PHP, SQL and Database Management, BootStrap,Front-End Desghin,Text and Animation, Scroll Animation, and Triggers, etc. these topics are really essential for a website development course. Website Design and Development is a very popular field where professionals use different IDE's for Website Design.

Digistackedu offers 3-4 months of Website Design online and offline courses in Haldwani for students and professionals who want to make their career in the field of Website Design & Development, you can join these courses online/offline mode, moreover, you can call a free demo session, this course can boost your career as many students and professionals are getting high salary after the completion of the Web design course in Haldwani.

I hope you all know what is Website Development, Companies use HTML,CSS and JavaScript for the different types of website design, IRCTC,Facebook, Ticket Booking Systems,Banking Systems are best examples, etc.

Website Development is a field of pure web page designs to build static and dynamic web based systems such as school management systems, social media websites and online shopping websites where organizations fetch and mainpulates the data from multiple sources such as databases and filter it for further analysis.

Why you should learn web design course in Haldwani

  • Web Design & Development is the most demanding field.
  • Students are getting good salaries after completion of web designing course.
  • After completion of web design course you can become a front-end developer.
  • Website Development is easy to lean and Understand.
  • In the healthcare industry, medical practitioners, Banking Systems, Booking Systems use Websites to visualize analyze information and make critical decisions. websites additionally permits managers to handle database
  • Website Designers are in High Demand
  • You can work as a front-end designer, backend developer, full stack developer, Data Architect, React Developer, Theme Designers and IT professionals

Digistackedu is a well-known training institute , we provide training in pan India, we believe in Job-Oriented and Practical Oriented Training and today we are connected with more than 300+ live students and professionals who are working in top-level IT organizations such as TCS, Wipro, IBM, and Tech Mahinda, HCL-Technologies, etc. our students work on real-time projects so that they can clear job interviews, our trainers help and motivate students to upgrade their technical skills.

Full Stack Web Development Course in Haldwani

A Full Stack Web Development programme intended to make learners proficient in both front and back end developments. Technology stack includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React JS, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB which gives a complete end to end exposure of creating dynamic, responsive, and scalable web applications.

The Full Stack Web Development course gives chances to get the most popular jobs tagged as Full Stack Developer, Front-End Developer, and Back-End Developer. Overall, participating students will be able to develop end-to-end web solutions, client and server-side skills.

Web Design and Development Course in Haldwani

Digistackedu offers an advanced Web Design and Development course in Haldwani, aimed at individuals who want to build a successful career in the IT industry. This course covers both the creative and technical aspects of web development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular frameworks like React JS.

Students will understand how to create beautiful and responsive websites while also getting useful information about back-end development to build working and interactive web applications. This will be done through practical assignments and scenarios and embracing both front-end and back-end technologies to make learners fit the growing market needs.

HTML and CSS Course in Haldwani

Digistackedu provides organized HTML and CSS course in Haldwani for the entry-level students and web developers. In this course, you get from the ground level knowledge about HTML (HyperText Markup Language), to how to make stunning and attractive web pages using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

The student will also be able to create, develop, content and design Websites with current and relevant technology. Another key aspect that the course covers is the ability of learners to be able to design websites that are mobile responsive.

This course provides hands-on learning through practical exercises and real-world projects. With expert instructors guiding you step-by-step, you’ll gain the confidence to design professional, user-friendly websites. Whether you're a student, entrepreneur, or working professional, mastering HTML and CSS is the first step toward a successful career in web development.

Javascript and React JS Course in Haldwani

Digistackedu offers React JS and JavaScript for the beginners and the working professional in Haldwani. This course will teach you the basics of JavaScript, the core of todays web development and explore React JS, a complex framework for building dynamic, adaptive interfaces for your applications.

Students will understand how to make the websites interactive, work with components, and address state management while involved in the hands-on tasks and out there real-world samples. This course is ideal for any individual wishing to be a front end developer or simply level up on coding.

The major focus of the course is on how learners gain real-life experience to implement what they learn while developing their coding skills. This course will be highly beneficial to learners who are students, or have just joined the job, or are young working professionals.

Our trainers will teach you the new age trends of JavaScript and the practical implementation of React JS to be placed in some of the leading MNCs as well as start-ups.

Take a Free Demo Session

Call us for a Free Demo Sesison with the best industry expert, we will help to clear your all dobubts.
Phone Number: +91 6397-123-682
Email : [email protected]

Web Design Course Syllabus

Module 1: Introduction to HTML

  1. Introduction to HTML.
  2. What is HTML?
  3. History and Evolution of HTML
  4. Structure of an HTML Document
  5. Basic HTML Document Template
  6. HTML Tags, Elements, and Attributes
  1. Understanding HTML Elements
  2. HTML Headings
  3. Paragraphs tag
  4. Line Breaks and Horizontal Rules
  5. Formatting Text: Bold, Italic, Underline
  6. HTML Comments
  7. Creating Hyperlinks
  8. Ordered Lists
  9. Unordered Lists
  10. Nested Lists
  11. Definition Lists
  1. Desining Infographics for Web Applications
  2. Adding Images
  3. Image Attributes: src, alt, width, height
  4. Adding Audio Files
  5. Adding Video Files
  6. Embedding YouTube Videos
  1. Creating a Basic Table
  2. Table Rows and Table Data
  3. Table Headers and Merging Cells (colspan, rowspan)
  4. Table Borders and Styling
  5. Introduction to Forms
  6. Input Elements: Text, Password, Email
  7. Labels and Textarea
  8. Dropdowns, Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
  9. Buttons and Form Validation
  10. File Uploads in HTML
  1. What is CSS?
  2. History and Evolution of CSS
  3. Importance of CSS in Web Development
  4. Types of CSS:Inline CSS,Internal CSS,External CSS
  5. Basic Syntax of CSS
  6. How to Link CSS to HTML
  1. Universal Selector (*) and Type Selector (Element)
  2. Class Selector and ID Selector
  3. Grouping Selector and Descendant Selector
  4. Child Selector and Sibling Selectors
  5. Attribute Selectors
  6. Pseudo-classes (:hover, :focus, etc.)
  7. Pseudo-elements (::before, ::after)
  8. working on CSS Properties
  9. Font Family and Font Size
  10. Font Style,Font Weight,Line Height
  11. Letter Spacing and Text Alignment
  12. Text Decoration and Text Transform
  13. working on Color Property
  1. Background Color and Background Image
  2. Background Position and Background Size
  3. Background Repeat and Background Attachment
  4. Working Gradient Backgrounds
  5. Content and Padding
  6. Border and Margin
  7. Width and Height and Box Sizing
  8. Border Width and Border Style
  9. Border Color and Rounded Borders (border-radius)
  10. working on Box Shadow
  1. Working on Static Positioning
  2. Working on Relative Positioning
  3. Working on Absolute Positioning
  4. Working Fixed Positioning
  5. Working Sticky Positioning
  6. Working Z-Index Property
  7. display Property (block, inline, inline-block, none)
  8. visibility Property and overflow Property
  9. Working on float and clear
  1. What is Flexbox?
  2. Flex Container Properties
  3. display: flex , flex-direction
  4. justify-content and align-items
  5. align-content and Flex Item
  6. flex-grow and flex-shrink
  7. flex-basis and order
  8. Responsive Design with Flexbox
  9. What is CSS Grid?
  10. Grid Container Properties
  11. display: grid
  12. grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows
  13. gap,justify-items and align-items
  14. grid-column and grid-row
  15. grid-area and Responsive Design with CSS Grid
  1. What are Transitions?
  2. Transition Properties transition-property, transition duration
  3. transition-timing-function and transition-delay
  4. Keyframe Animations Using @keyframes
  5. Animation Properties
  6. animation-name and animation-duration
  7. animation-timing-function, animation-delay
  8. animation-direction
  1. What is JavaScript?
  2. History and Evolution of JavaScript
  3. JavaScript vs. Other Languages
  4. How JavaScript Works in Browsers
  5. Linking JavaScript to HTML
  1. Variables and Constants
  2. working on var, let, const
  3. Data Types :String, Number, Boolean, Null, Undefined
  4. Operators:Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Logical, Bitwise
  5. Conditional Statements:if, else if, else, switch
  6. Loops:for, while, do...while
  7. Functions:Defining and Calling Functions
  8. Function Parameters and Return Values
  9. working on Arrow Functions (=>)
  1. What is the DOM (Document Object Model)?
  2. Selecting Elements getElementById()
  3. getElementsByClassName()
  4. querySelector() and querySelectorAll()
  5. Modifying Elements and Changing Text Content
  6. Modifying Attributes and Adding/Removing Classes
  7. Event Handling and Adding Event Listeners
  8. Common Events: click, mouseover, keydown, load, etc.
  9. Creating and Removing Elements and Traversing the DOM
  1. Introduction to Objects
  2. Creating Objects and Accessing Object Properties
  3. Methods in Objects
  4. Arrays in JavaScript
  5. Creating Arrays
  6. Array Methods (push(), pop(), shift(), unshift(), splice(), etc.)
  7. Iterating Over Arrays and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
  8. Converting Objects to JSON and Parsing JSON Strings
  1. Scope and Closures
  2. this Keyword
  3. JavaScript Classes and Objects
  4. Prototypes and Inheritance
  5. Callbacks and Promises
  6. Error Handling:try, catch, finally
  7. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
  1. What is jQuery?
  2. Downloading and Including jQuery
  3. jQuery Syntax and Selectors
  4. Selecting Elements Using jQuery
  5. $("element") , $(".class") and $("#id")
  6. Event Handling in jQuery
  7. click(), dblclick(), hover(), focus(), blur()
  8. Event Delegation
  9. Binding and Unbinding Events
  1. Modifying HTML Content
  2. text(), html(), val()
  3. Modifying CSS and Classes
  4. addClass(), removeClass(), toggleClass(), css()
  5. Creating, Inserting, and Removing Elements
  6. append(), prepend(), before(), after(), remove(), empty()
  1. Hiding and Showing Elements
  2. hide(), show() and toggle()
  3. Fading Effects: fadeIn(), fadeOut(), fadeToggle()
  4. Sliding Effects :slideDown(), slideUp(), slideToggle()
  5. Custom Animations :animate()
  6. Stopping Animations
  1. What is AJAX?
  2. Using $.ajax() Method
  3. Loading Data with $.get() and $.post()
  4. Handling JSON Data
  5. Error Handling in AJAX
  6. jQuery and Forms
  7. Form Validation
  8. Handling Form Events
  9. Performance Optimization with jQuery
  1. What is React JS?
  2. History and Evolution of React
  3. Key Features of React
  4. Advantages of Using React
  5. Setting Up a React Development Environment
  6. Node.js and npm Installation
  7. Installing Create React App
  8. First React App: Hello World
  1. Components in React
  2. Functional Components and Class Components
  3. JSX (JavaScript XML) and Syntax and Rules
  4. Embedding Expressions in JSX
  5. Props (Properties) and Passing Data Between Components
  6. Default Props and Prop Types Validation
  7. State Management and Using useState Hook
  8. Class Component State and Lifecycle Methods
  9. Mounting, Updating, and Unmounting Phases
  10. Using useEffect HooK
  1. Handling Events in React
  2. Adding Event Listeners
  3. Handling Events in Functional Components
  4. Event Binding in Class Components
  5. Passing Arguments to Event Handlers
  1. What is React Router?
  2. Installing React Router
  3. Creating Routes
  4. Navigating Between Routes
  5. Using useParams, useNavigate, and useLocation
  6. Protected Routes
  1. Controlled Components
  2. Uncontrolled Components
  3. Handling Form Events
  4. Form Validation and Using useRef Hook
  5. Inline Styling an dCSS Modules
  6. Styled Components
  7. Using CSS Frameworks (Bootstrap, Material-UI) with React
  8. Dynamic Styling
  1. Introduction to Hooks
  2. working on useState Hook
  3. working on useEffect Hook
  4. working on useContext Hook
  5. working on useReducer Hook
  6. working on useRef Hook
  7. working on useMemo Hook
  8. working on useCallback Hook
  9. working on Custom Hooks
  1. What is State Management?
  2. Context API
  3. Redux
  4. Introduction to Redux
  5. Redux Store, Actions, and Reducers
  6. Connecting Redux with React
  7. Using useSelector and useDispatch
  8. Redux Toolkit
  9. Comparison of Context API and Redux
  1. Using Fetch API
  2. Using Axios
  3. Handling Asynchronous Code with async/await
  4. Error Handling in Data Fetching
  5. Loading Indicators and Error Messages
  6. Working with REST APIs
  1. Code Splitting
  2. Lazy Loading with React.lazy() and Suspense
  3. Memoization with React.memo
  4. Using useMemo and useCallback Hooks
  5. Avoiding Re-renders
  6. Optimizing Large Lists with react-window
  1. An Introduction to Join.
  2. Types of Joins in SQL
  3. Left Outer Join in SQL
  4. Right Outer Join in SQL.
  5. Inner Join in SQL.
  6. Full Outer Join in SQL.
  7. Union Opertion in SQL.
  1. An Introduction to Keys.
  2. Designing Table with Primary Key.
  3. Designing Table with Foreign Key.
  4. Designing Table with Auto increment Columns.
  5. Describing Table Structure.
  1. An Introduction to Constraints.
  2. Applyting Check Constraints on Columns.
  3. Logical Operatior and Check Constraints.
  4. Testing Constraints on Table.
  1. An Introduction to Views.
  2. Creating a Simple View.
  3. SQL View of GroupBy Query.
  4. SQL View of Join Query.
  5. SQL View of Nested Query.
  6. Updating Views in SQL.
  1. What is Node.js?
  2. Difference between Node.js and traditional backend languages
  3. Setting up the Node.js environment
  4. Core Concepts of Node.js
  5. Event Loop & Non-blocking I/O
  6. Global Objects (process, __dirname, module)
  7. The Node.js REPL and Node.js Modules
  8. Using Built-in Modules (fs, http, path, os, url, etc.)
  9. Understanding require() and module.exports
  10. File System in Node.js Reading/Writing Files
  11. Creating a Simple Web Server
  12. Using the http Module
  13. Handling Requests and Responses
  14. Serving Static Files
  15. Reading and Writing Streams
  16. Working with Buffers
  17. Creating and Handling Events
  18. Working with URLs and Query Strings
  19. Handling Query Parameters
  1. Overview of Express.js
  2. Setting up an Express Application
  3. Difference Between Node.js and Express.js
  4. Routing in Express.js
  5. Handling GET, POST, PUT, DELETE Requests
  6. Route Parameters and Query Strings
  7. Working with Forms and Input Data
  8. Handling POST Requests
  9. Validating and Sanitizing Input
  10. RESTful APIs with Express.js
  11. What is a RESTful API?
  12. Creating a REST API in Express.js
  13. Handling CRUD Operations
  1. Introduction to MongoDB
  2. Setting up MongoDB
  3. Connecting MongoDB with Express using Mongoose
  4. CRUD Operations with MongoDB
  5. Create, Read, Update, Delete Operations
  6. Using Mongoose Models and Schemas
  7. Data Validation and Relationships
  8. Validating Data with Mongoose
Web Development Training in Haldwani

Web Development Training in Haldwani

Digistackedu trained students and professionals in pan India and also offers Web Development Training in Haldwani ,our Web Development Training encourages students to complete multiple projects related to JavaScript, HTML and CSS, React, and MongoDB and here they understand how professionals work in the real industry.
Front-End Development Course in Haldwani

Front-End Development Course in Haldwani

We also offer Front End Development Training in Haldwani where our students work on HTML,CSS,JavaScript and React components such as Functional and Class components, moreover, they learn how to work on React Hooks such as UseSate and useEffect Hooks.
Full Stack Web Development Training in Haldwani

Full Stack Web Development Training in Haldwani

Full Stack Web Development Training include Front-end Development using React, Back-end Design where students learn how to work on databases and Table designs, Database Connectivity and form Handling using PHP, Node js Server Development and MongoDB Connections etc.
Web Desining Course in Haldwani

Web Design Using WordPress Course in Haldwani

Learn to build dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly websites using WordPress, the world’s most popular CMS platform. Our expert trainers will guide you through everything from domain setup, theme customization, plugin installation, and SEO optimization to website security.
Node JS Course in Haldwani

Node JS Course in Haldwani

This course is designed to help you master Node.js, a powerful JavaScript runtime environment that enables you to build fast, scalable, and real-time server-side applications. From understanding core concepts like asynchronous programming, APIs, and Express.js framework to working with databases such as MongoDB.
Back-End Development Training in Haldwani

Back-End Development Training in Haldwani

This course is designed to provide you with a strong foundation in both SQL (Structured Query Language) and MongoDB, two of the most in-demand database technologies. Learn how to efficiently manage, query, and manipulate relational databases using SQL and explore the power of NoSQL databases with MongoDB to handle large, unstructured data.
React and Express JS Course in Haldwani

React and Express JS Course in Haldwani

This comprehensive course covers two powerful JavaScript frameworks — React.js for building dynamic, interactive frontend applications and Express.js for creating robust, scalable backend APIs. Learn to develop full-stack web applications from scratch, using modern tools and practices like state management with Redux, RESTful APIs, and authentication.

Career in Web Design & Development

Career in Front-End Development

Career in Front-End Development

A career in front-end development is an exciting and rewarding path for anyone passionate about designing user-friendly websites and applications. Front-end developers focus on the visual and interactive elements of a website that users see and engage with. They use technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, and Angular to build responsive, attractive, and intuitive user interfaces.

Career in Digital Marketing and SEO

Career in Digital Marketing and SEO

Web developers play a crucial role in supporting digital marketing strategies and improving SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to enhance a website's visibility and performance. Their primary responsibility is to build well-structured, fast, and responsive websites that provide an excellent user experience, which is essential for successful digital marketing.

Career in Full Stack Web Development

Career in Full Stack Web Development

Full Stack Web Development Career is a good option,Full-stack developers are skilled in a wide range of technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, for front-end development, and Node.js, Express.js, and databases like MongoDB for back-end development.

Career in Back-End Development

Career in Back-End Development

A career in back-end development is an exciting and rewarding choice for those interested in building the infrastructure that powers websites and applications. Back-end developers focus on the server-side of applications, working with databases, server logic, APIs, and ensuring smooth data flow between the front end and the back end.

Career in PHP based Application Development

Career in PHP based Application Development

A career in PHP-based application development offers excellent opportunities for developers who want to work with one of the most widely used server-side scripting languages for building dynamic websites and applications. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) powers a large percentage of websites worldwide, including major platforms like WordPress, Facebook, and Drupal.

Career in React Based Application Development

Career in React Based Application Development

A career in React-based application development offers exciting prospects for developers passionate about building dynamic and high-performance user interfaces. React.js, a powerful JavaScript library developed by Facebook, is widely used for creating interactive and responsive web applications.

Student Reviews

Our Student reviews after completion of this course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you will get industry valid certificate after completeion of this course and you will be tagged as a Web Developer.
Yes, You can pay your fee in two installments but it depands on the course you selected.
Yes, You can join Full Stack Web Development course even if you do not belong from computer science background. Our experts will help you to upgarde your technical skills, you just need some basic computer skills for this course.
This course is 100% practical oriented, you will work on HTML, CSS , JavaScript, AJAX and React JS moreover, you will learn how to use different softwares and programming Languages to build web applications.
DigiStackEdu provide cost effective and quality training,We focus on every student and we understand the value of money.Our Trainers are certified and having more than 10+ years of experience in Digital Marketing, Data Science, Java Programming, Web Development, Big Data and Data Analytics moreover,We have Trained 47,000+ students and professionals who are working in top level IT companies.
DigiStackEdu only provide internship in Data Science, Digital Marketing, Java Programming, PHP programming and Web Development.For more details please contact to our support team.
Web development is increasingly incorporating AI and machine learning. These technologies enable personalized user experiences, advanced chatbots, predictive analytics, and automation of tasks like content generation and coding.
You can submit your fee after 3 classes, Even after that if you face any issue with in the next 7 days then you can contect to our support team for the return.
We'll start this course by very basic concepts of web development further we'll move to the advance concept of web development, React, Node JS, MongoDB and SQL.It will take approx 4-5 month to be master of Web Development, after that you will get a industry valid cerficate and will get a tag as a Web Developer.